Saturday, February 13, 2010

I now have a Tumblr too.

1 comment:

krissy said...

Re: Worishofer shoes in TO.
I saw some at my awesome shoe repair guy on the Danforth back in the summer. Not sure if he'd still have them out or even in stock but worth a shot. I'm sorry, I don't even know the name of his repair shop but he's on Danforth @ Jones (I'm pretty sure it's Jones). Anyhow, he's just a door or two down from Coffee Time (which is on the corner) and Blockbuster, on the south side of the street. I hope that helps. Otherwise, you can try some "mom & pop" type shoe stores on College or even little Portugal? Not sure about those though...never looked there.

Good luck and have fun on your vacation! I hope you can find some sensible sandals in time!